Welcome to Bury Green Party!
The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils, as well as in the London Assembly.
In Bury we are currently working to elect our first Green councillor, in North Manor, to add that much needed voice to the Council chamber to address the critical issues that the older parties are not even discussing.
We’re working progressively on local issues that you have raised, such as tackling climate change, protecting the greenbelt and parks and areas of wildlife interest, and also road safety, amongst others.
As part of the Green Party of England & Wales, we share a deep concern for social and environmental justice, expressed through our national policies, we believe fair is worth fighting for.
We rely on people power rather than corporate finance to help us achieve our objectives. Get involved with us today so that we can achieve so much more for Bury.
Join our movement
Action on climate change
Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.
Social Justice
Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.
Our community
Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.